SBL praises great work

Sir Bernard Lovell Academy in Oldland Common is celebrating students’ successes at A-levels, GCSEs and vocational qualifications. 

Headteacher Dr Robin Bassford said young people’s positive work ethic, determination and resilience had been rewarded. 

The overall A-level pass rate increased significantly from recent years and there was a marked increase in the proportion of top grades at A*-B and Distinction*-Merit, as well as a rise in the average points score per qualification achieved by the students.

The school is particularly pleased that of the students who applied to university, 96% of them secured places at their first or second choice institution, including a number at Russell Group universities. Other students have been offered high quality advanced apprenticeships both locally and further afield.

Dr Bassford said:  “Our amazing Year 13 of 2024 are a credit to themselves, their parents and our staff who have provided the inspiration, support and guidance to enable our young people to succeed. I am so proud of each and every one of them, not just because of their brilliant results but also for their significant contributions to the wider school life at SBL. We are confident that our students have exciting futures ahead.”

On GCSE results day. the school celebrated an increase in top grades at GCSE.  Sixteen students achieved eight or more 9-7 grades, including one student who got straight 9s.

Dr Bassford said SBL was equally proud of the students who worked hard to make excellent progress from their starting points. Many students made over a grade more progress in each of their subjects relative to the national average.