£60k for good causes

ORGANISERS of Downend’s annual firework display have given more than £60,000 to good causes since last year’s event.

Details of some of the 47 community projects and charities to benefit have been revealed as Downend Round Table prepares to put tickets for this year’s display on sale.

The volunteer group puts profits from each year’s event into a fund from which donations of between £250 and £7,000 are made to causes in the area.

Among the groups to benefit are the Friends of King George V playing fields. Downend Round Table has sponsored the planting of ten new trees at the playing fields, at a cost of £250 each.

Funds raised at the display have been granted to install a new bench seat at another nearby green space, Leap Valley.

A grant has been awarded to Warmley Wheelers to help buy a side-by-side tandem bike so people they support can cycle alongside a family member, friend or support worker, and to help meet its running costs. The organisation relies on donations and grants to survive.

Other recent beneficiaries include: charity Raeyah’s Hands of Support, which helps children with autism who are undergoing cancer treatment; Julian Trust Night Shelter, which provides shelter and support for homeless people in Bristol; Green Community Travel, which provides transport for people unable to access buses and trains; Emersons Green Village Hall; Holly Hedge animal sanctuary.

Funding for educational and recreational activities for children and teenagers has been provided to local scout and guide groups, and school PTAs.

This year’s display will be on Friday November 8 from 5.30pm, with a quiet children’s show at 6.30pm followed by bonfire lighting at 7.15pm and the main display at 8pm.

Tickets go on sale on October 1 via the website downendrt.co.uk