More time to have a say

SOUTH Gloucestershire Council has extended the deadline for people to have a say on the blueprint for the future of the district.

The council opened the latest phase of consultations on its local plan, which will guide how and where development takes place from 2025 to 2040, in December.

It says it needs to find sites for 9,260 new homes, at least 7,813 of which will need to be built on greenfield sites.

The biggest proposed development is alongside the ring road at Warmley and Shortwood. The Warmley site, described as ‘north of the ‘A420 and south of ‘Goose Green’ is designated for 950 homes while tiny Shortwood village would see building on all sides, totalling 1,480 by 2040 and potentially 1350 more later.

Development is proposed at three sites in Hanham:  Castle Farm Road, 125 homes;   south of Abbots Road, 85 homes;  Castle Farm Inn,  60 homes, Other potential development sites include Barry Road in Oldland Common, 350 homes, Jarretts Garden Centre in Willsbridge, 95 homes; and The Sawmills, Bridgeyate, 110.

A group has been set up to oppose the plans to build on Green Belt sites between Shortwood and Warmley.

Save Our Green Spaces South Gloucestershire has set up a petition on the council’s website for people opposed to the plans for Siston parish, which can be found at

A series of meetings have been held across the district during January to give people more information about what is proposed.

The council has extended the deadline for comments on the Local Plan from February 7 to February 16.

Full details have been published online at, where people can fill in a consultation survey.

People who are not online can call the council on 01454 868009.